Create properties - Enterprise 1. In the dashboard, go under "Products" and click on "Attributes": 2. Click on the green button with the plus sign to add a new attribute: To learn how to create filters, go to the support article "A... Products 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Create options - Enterprise You can create options that you can assign to your products. Options allow your customers to customize their products to suit their needs better. 1. Navigate to the options under "Products Options" 2.... Products 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Create product options - Enterprise With "Options" you can offer your customers additional options for a product. 1. Go to "Products" and then click on "Options". Click on the green button with the plus sign to create a new option: 2. E... Products 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Create products - Enterprise Once the product categories have been created, the products can now be recorded 1. Click on the "Products" menu item in the dashboard: 2. Click on the green button with the plus sign, then click on "c... Products 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Create categories - Enterprise 1. Click in the dashboard under "Products" on the menu item "Categories": 2. Click on the green button with the plus sign at the top to create a new category. If you want to edit an existing category,... Products 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Downloadable products - Enterprise You can offer products in your shop that can be downloaded directly after a successful purchase. This saves you shipping and packaging costs. 1. Navigate to the products and create a new product. If y... Products 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Sales Reports - Enterprise You can view detailed sales reports. With these reports, you can compare the results of your shop from past periods. 1. Navigate to your sales reports under "Orders Sales Reports". 2. Here you will fi... Orders 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Create orders manually - Enterprise You can also enter orders by hand in your shop if you sell something outside the online shop and want to control all information via the shop. Navigate to the order exercise overview via "Orders Show ... Orders 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
How do I edit content in another language? - Enterprise You can record all products in 4 different languages. There are two different language switchers in the Enterprise shop version. The PRO Backend Language Switcher This allows you to change the languag... General 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise