Accept online payments with the most popular payment methods in Switzerland in just a few minutes.
To get more information about Payrexx and to register with Payrexx, go to this link:
You can add Payrexx in the saldiaApps:
You can enter the data you receive from Payrexx after the completed onboarding here and then save it:
Add saldia integration in Payrexx
- Log into the Payrexx Administration.
- Under the menu item "API & Integrations" the integration "saldia" is added
Copy configuration data (API key and account name)
- When executing step 1, a modal window opens in the Payrexx Administration with the plugin configuration. Take the API key and the instance name (or account name) and copy this data into the configuration of saldia.
- Enter your store address and activate the setting with the green button "Activate"
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