For saldiaPay to work in your store, you need an active saldiaPay subscription. You can find the relevant documentation here:
- Log in to using the login that was sent to you:
Dashboard: In the dashboard you have an overview of various points of saldiaPay:
Transactions: In the menu item Transactions, you can see the various payments that have been made through your store. You can also see the status of the payment:
If you click on one of the transactions, you have a more detailed overview of this transaction and you can also refund the payment. You can see here details about the customer and the payment:
Payouts: You have an overview of your payouts from saldiaPay here. The field "Current balance" contains funds that have been processed via Payrexx Direct / Swiss Collecting and have not yet been paid out. If you have received payouts, you can view and export the details of your payout here. To adjust the bank account details and the frequency of the payout click on the button "Adjust settings":
Here you can specify the account to which the payout should be made. If you would like to change the frequency of payouts, please contact Payrexx directly at
Customers: Here you can see all customers who have made a payment through your store. You can also export a list of customers as csv:
If you click on the "write icon" for a customer, you can add or edit information about the customer:
Reports: In the menu item "Reports" you have an overview of the transactions that have been processed in your store. You can filter by year, month or week, you can also choose between number of transactions and transaction volume. You can export transaction reports as CSV file:
You have an overview of the fees of the different providers here:
Payment providers: You can configure the payment providers here. If you want to know how to do this, see the support article Zahlungsmittel zuweisen:
Paylink: In the menu item "Paylink" you can create a link that will take the customer to a page where he can pay the amount. Here you have an overview of the paylinks you have created so far and whether they are already paid or not. To create a new paylink, click on the button "Create":
Enter the purpose and amount of the payment. You can also add file attachments and a date when the link will expire. You can specify with which payment providers this amount can be paid or you can leave it on "All" to allow all providers. The appearance of the paylink page can also be customized here on "Look & Feel Profile". At "Send" you can send the paylink directly to your customer:
The paylink will then look like this by default when you open the link:
QR Pay: You can also create a QR code that customers can scan to get to the payment interface. There are several options when creating the QR code, you can specify a fixed amount that will be inserted directly in the payment interface. You can also specify a minimum amount, then the customer can enter how much he sends, but he can not enter less than the minimum amount. For the open amount, the customer can enter how much he sends. The QR code can be downloaded as a file or printed as a poster:
Invoice: You can create and send complete invoices. Send your customers professional invoices easily. With Invoice, invoices can be paid instantly online. To create an invoice click on the "Create" button:
Enter the information about the customer and enter the details for the invoice:
When you have entered all the details for the invoice, you will see here a preview of how the invoice will look like. Click on "Finalize invoice" to send the invoice by mail to the customer:
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