PayPal is an online payment platform that allows users to send and receive money securely and conveniently over the Internet. PayPal allows you to make online purchases, pay bills, and share money with other people.
PayPal - configuration
In order for us to integrate PayPal into saldiaPay, we first need a PayPal business account that is also correctly configured.
- If you don't have a PayPal business account yet, open a free PayPal business account at:
- If you already have a PayPal business account, log in with your user at
- Navigate to the “Account Settings” menu item.
- Select the “Account Access” link.
- In the "API Access" line, select the "Edit" link.
- In the "NVP/SOAP API integration (classic)" row, select the "Manage API permission" link.
- Here you can view the API username, API password and signature, which we will need later when setting up SaldiaPay.
saldiaPay - configuration
So that we can now use PayPal in saldiaPay, we have to store the PayPal API data in SaldiaPay.
- Open the administration interface at:
- Navigate to the menu item “Payment providers.”
- Select the “Setup” button next to the PayPal payment method.
- If you have already set up the payment provider, select the “Configure” button.
- If a window called “Request a contract offer” now appears, select the “No, not now” button as we have already created a PayPal business account.
- Check the “Use Express Checkout” box.
- Select “Live” mode.
- Configure the connection settings using the API data we received from PayPal.
- Select the "Save" button.
- The PayPal integration is now complete.
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